Mesothelioma Nutrition:

Eating a balanced diet consisting of whole grains, proteins, dairy, fruits and vegetables enables the body to function properly and adequately fight infection and illness. Eating nutritious food while actively fighting mesothelioma through treatment may not cure the cancer, but fighting the disease from every angle will give patients the best possible outlook.
Mesothelioma patients undergoing various treatments may have additional nutritional concerns. Nutrition during chemotherapy is extremely important as the drugs used during treatment kill cancer cells, but simultaneously affect healthy cells as well, leaving the body in a weakened state.
Many patients may experience side effects from the treatment, including nausea and diarrhea. Mild flavored foods such as whole grain toast may settle the stomach and be easier to keep down during treatment. To combat constipation, patients should select foods with a large amount of fiber such as apples, oatmeal and broccoli. Ensuring adequate protein consumption is also important and many patients include egg whites, beans, milk and lean meats in their daily diet.
Patients undergoing radiation therapy may also experience side effects such as vomiting and loss of appetite. Since radiation can zap energy, it is important to eat nutritious foods with healthy calories to fuel the body properly. Limiting the amount of salt, alcohol and caffeine ingested during treatment is also very important. Speaking with a doctor or a nutritionist can help a patient receive guidance about proper nutrition and recommended foods to eat or avoid during radiation.
It is also important for those recovering from cancer to be mindful of their diet. Additional information about nutrition and cancer recovery can be found in the Mesothelioma Cancer and Nutrition section of our Web site.
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